It's My Turn To Take Care Of You

My mother had Alzheimer's. She was diagnosed in her early 60s. Over the years she struggled with remembering and emotions.
The last year of her life was very exhausting for her. It came to the point where she needed more care than could be given at home, so she went into a nursing home. Her struggles were many and her emotions were everywhere. It was so sad to watch a once vibrant, energetic, fun, loving mother, grandmother, and wife withdraw from life and her family.
My heart aches everyday for her absence. But I hold on to the many precious memories that are forever stamped in my heart.
Even in the last year she left me with many precious memories, as I helped care for her, memories that I will always hold dear to my heart. She once apologized to me for me taking are of her, I asked her, "Mom do you regret taking care of me all the years that you did?"
She looked at me and said, "No, I didn't."
I replied, "It's my turn to take care of you because I love you and I have no regrets."
My mother passed away on Oct. 13, 2012.

Deborah Downey Bartram
Ashland, KY