Inside my sister Kim, her heart brings her peace. "My Heart and Soul"

My Heart and Soul

by Keleen Bailey

There is a place where some of us will journey, as we move
toward the end of our lives. It will feel frightening at first, but
that is because you don’t know what I know. I am here to
reassure you and share the meaning and purpose of your heart
and soul.

When our brain becomes old and tired and you try so hard to
do, say and think of everything we have ever known, we fight
with ourselves and struggle to remember. I am here to tell you,
there is no need to struggle. You are coming to a time of
contentment. Your outward appearance may deceive others,
but your heart and soul are unchanged.

Your mind will try to confuse you but your heart will soon be
your new reality. Memories will come from your heart now.
They will be just for you.

You are going on an amazing journey and will be free to
visit everything you have ever loved. Where do you want to go?
What do you want to see? Who do you want to talk and laugh
You can visit beaches, forests, cities and foreign places.
Old friends and loved ones can take you back to your childhood.
And you wont have to fight your failing mind &
body to enjoy them. You will visit them with your heart.

God will gradually share more and more wonderful, beautiful
and peaceful thoughts with you. He will protect you as you
span your lifetime with your heart. Just imagine, free of
restraints. Free from worrying about money, time, and
obligations. Gone are fear, depression, aches and pains.

Your brain will try to make sense of it all but you will
transcend the restraints of your mind and begin to see what
your heart sees. Everything the heart sees is pure and good and
full of joy and peace. Contentment will fill your soul like you
have never known. And when you smile, others will know you
are at peace, and that you feel safe and loved.


Keleen Bailey
Aurora, OR