I'll Fly Away

My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease in 2007 after being hospitalized for overdosing on her medication. The doctor informed us that Mom would need 24/7 care. With much discussion and agonizing on what would be best for Mom, it was decided that an assisted living facility would be best. After a few years in assisted living and the progression for her Alzheimer's Mom had to move to a nursing home. This decision was not made lightly and was heart wrenching for all us kids. No one WANTS to put their loved one in a "home" and when you tell someone that your mother is in a home the reaction is sometimes judgmental and things are said like " I would never put my mother in a home" Well, one can never truly guarantee you might not have to make that hard decision. While in the nursing home my siblings and myself visited almost everyday. Mom's Alzheimer's continued to progress and at times she didn't recognize her family. But no matter how bad her memory got she always remembered her music. When we would visit we would sing with her. She sang like a bird and remembered every word to the songs that she use to sing in church, her favorites like Patsy Cline, George Jones etc. When it got to the point that it was difficult to have a conversation with Mom. we just sang. It was like she didn't have Alzheimer's when she was singing. Music is a powerful thing! Mom passed away in November 2013 from kidney failure. I am grateful that the kidney disease took my mother instead of her getting to the point with Alzheimer's disease when she lost the ability to eat, lift her head or even smile. I think of Mom everyday and miss our time together.

Rita F Arnett
Spring Grove, PA